2015 (2071BS) लोहोरुङ व्याकरणको रूपरेखा (A sketch grammar of Lohorung), a Research Report submitted to Department of Language (Mother tongue), Nepal Academy, Kathmandu.
2006 (2063BS). कोयू व्याकरणको रूपरेखा (A sketch grammar of Koyu), a Research Report submitted to Department of Language and Literature, Nepal Academy, Kathmandu.
2003 (2060BS). दरबारी नेपाली भाषिका: वर्णनात्मक अध्ययन (Darbari dialect of Nepali: a descriptive study), a Research Report presented to Kathmandu: Vidwatchhiromani Hemaraj Puraskar Guthi.
2003 (2059BS). कोयू भाषाको रूपविश्लेषण (Morphological analysis of Koyu language), A Research Report submitted to University Grant Commission, Kathmandu.